What Causes Pipes to Leak?

Pipes support the homes and businesses we live in today. Even in older establishments, corroded or leaking pipes will cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars for repair.

Throughout this article, we will pinpoint the top 10 causes of leaking pipes and preventative actions to take to save your pipes. While some is self-explanatory, different individuals experience one and/or multiple situations that would require a profession replacement or examination.

Let’s flow through this article with caution and discover the wonderful inner workings of pipes!

Is it normal for pipes to leak?

Overall, it is normal for your pipes and other fixtures to display a form of light damages and/or leaking. This is one way your home is communicating to you regarding potential repairs, especially if you’re oblivious or unsure what to expect.

While leaks are common, depending on the time of season isn’t a great time to experience that light crack under the sink or inconsistent flooding from the bathroom to the living room. The primary issue homeowners should remain aware of is the water pressure.

However, what exactly create leaks in the pipes and what can we do to fix and/or prevent them? Focusing on the top 10 causes of leaking pipes, let’s break down the five most common causes before transitioning into the remaining critical five.

Five common causes for leaky pipes.

While some leaks are harder to detect, there are some that gives off clear signs of possible leakage in your pipes. Here are several common causes your lovely home might have a leak.

Older pipes throughout your home.

Topping the list is old pipes. Many homes contain older pipes, created from highly corrosion risk materials. Eventually, if left untreated, the pipes will create a leak.

Progressing forward, today’s pipes are made from either coper or plastic. Both materials are corrosion resistant and easier to clean.

Gross clogs in your pipes.

The next most common cause of leaking pipes are clogs. Clogs in your pipes could range from food scraps, hair, clumpy materials that shouldn’t go down the drain in the first place, and so on.

Clogs create pressure that would expand and break your pipes. This can lead to extreme damages and continuous leaking in your home.

Excessive water pressure and cracks in the fixture.

In modern times, it is essential to make sure our homes and/or businesses are clean and well kept. Those that excessively clean may use strong water pressure that could damage your delicate pipes.

Followed with excessive water pressure, cracks in your pipes will create annoying leaking if you’re not too careful. Something small like repeatedly shoving items underneath the sink, hitting those pipes, can create cracks in the pipes.

Seal damages in your pipe system.

WATERTIGHT SEALS are placed on your pipes and/or other fixtures to connect properly connect everything together. Similar to corrosion, the rubber seals placed around your pipes can wear down and break.

A sign that your pipes are leaking is if there’s a large puddle around your appliances. Most of the time if you don’t turn on your water or have it shut off, then your pipes will not leak (at least until you or your desired plumber replaces them).

Five important signs of leaking pipes

The first five signs are common indicators that can cause your pipes to leak. Diving deeper with our pipe systems, next we will discuss the severe causes of leaky pipes. Most severe causes would result with either replacing the most of your pipes or specific repairs from your trusted plumber.

Annoying tree roots damaging the pipes.

One major cause of pipe damaging or leaks is located outside of your home. An intruding tree root can destroy your pipe(s), creating a huge mess in the front yard.

Many homeowners notice a change in their water pressure, along with a muddy water patch in their yard (front or back). If this happens, then consider relocating your tree, or removing it completely.

Extreme changes of outside temperatures.

Another important sign of leaking pipes is excessive temperature fluctuations. Your pipes will either expand or contract under pressure, causing noticeable damages.

If the weather is frigid, or excessively cold, this will cause the water in the pipes freeze and unable to hold water pressure inside of it. However, the freezing process isn’t the primary cause of your pipes bursting. Upon thawing, that’s where the water pressure rush throughout the pipes, creating cracks or a noticeable burst.

Subtle shifting over time.

Not everything on earth is built to last for centuries. The foundation and/or settling of your home will shift over time. Occasionally, the underground shifting is unnoticeable.

However, there’s a great possibility that due to possible erosion, flooding (excessive rain or severe weather that causes flooding), or large tremors from an earthquake, your pipes will shift. This will change the water pressure within the pipes or produce a different watercolor than normal.

Damaged joints and placed improperly.

The final two concerns regarding your pipes is the placement and damaged joints. As a refresher, PIPE JOINTS connect to other pipes depending on their size and which section. If the joint is damaged, this will cause leakage from other pipes because of the unbalanced water pressure.

Sometimes your pipes will make certain noises if they’re leaking or preparing to burst. To detect an issue with your joints, listen for certain strange noises when you’re using the hot water. This could result with clacking and/or banging (as if someone’s trapped in your pipes). This rarely happens with the cold water.

Along with damaged joints comes improper placements of the pipes. A licensed professional should handle this job with care if your pipes haven’t been installed correctly.

When your pipes are placed incorrectly, this will disrupt the natural flow of the water and additional backflow devices. This will create a flooding emergency and costly repairs to fix the issue.

How can I prevent my pipes from leaking?

Cracked, leaking, or busted pipes can inconvenience you in an instant. There are useful ways to prevent your delicate pipes from leaking, while reducing the amount of water you use throughout the day.

Use a water softener.

Humans aren’t the only ones that experience stress on a day-by-day basis. Your pipes also experiences stress when in use.

Believe it or not, your water contains high mineral content that can lead to erosion. However, using a water softener (yep, similar to a stool softener) inside your water will prevent plumbing issues.

One element that helps your pipes is a salt tank. A SALT TANK is used to break down brine and remove collected minerals that taint the inside of the pipes.

Monitor the pipes during the winter months.

We continue to mention the winter time because it’s important to remain prompt once the temperature drops. Some people cannot stand the cold, or even a brittle gust of wind brushing against their bare cheeks. However, making sure your pipes work during the winter will save many lives and funds.

Before the temperature drops ten to fifteen degrees close to freezing, make sure your pipes are properly insulated. The water in the pipes will become solid once it freezes. However, BEFORE IT FREEZE drain the water from the water hoses and place insulation in areas that lacks heat (i.e. basement, garage, and under the sink).

If it’s not tight, it’s not right!

Prevent your pipes from bursting out of control, or cracking under pressure, through tightening the fittings. Check under your kitchen and/or bathroom sink and make sure those fittings are tightened.

Discovered any sign of moisture under these areas? Don’t give up hope, just tighten them. This is an indication that your fittings may need additional attention. Once you do this before hand, everything will fall into place later on.


Proper pipes is the major life source in your home or business establishment. Make sure that they’re correctly placed and carrying your water with ease. The more we take care of our things, the longer our things will take care of us, even if it may not look too pretty.